Sonntag, 24. Februar 2008

Islamic Penal Code of Iran of 1991

Part 2: Punishment for Sodomy

Chapter 1: Definition of Sodomy

Article 108: Sodomy is sexual intercourse with a male.
Article 109: In case of sodomy both the active and the passive persons will be condemned to its punishment.
Article 110: Punishment for sodomy is killing; the Sharia judge decides on how to carry out the killing.
Article 111: Sodomy involves killing if both the active and passive persons are mature, of soundbmind and have free will.
Article 112: If a mature man of sound mind commits sexual intercourse with an immature person, the doer will be killed and the passive one will be subject to Ta’azir of 74 lashes if not under duress.
Article 113: If an immature person commits sexual intercourse with another immature person, both of them will be subject to Ta’azir of 74 lashes unless one of them was under duress.

Chapter 2: Ways of proving sodomy in court

Article 114: By confessing four lashes to having committed sodomy, punishment is established against the one making the confession.
Article 115: A confession made less than four lashes (to having committed sodomy) does not involve punishment of “Had” but the confessor will be subject to Ta’azir (lesser punishments).
Article 116: A confession is valid only if the confessor is mature, of sound mind, has will and intention.
Article 117: Sodomy is proved by the testimony of four righteous men who might have observed it.
Article 118: If less than four righteous men testify, sodomy is not proved and the witnesses shall be condemned to punishment for Qazf (malicious accusation).
Article 119: Testimony of women alone or together with a man does not prove sodomy.
Article 120: The Shariajudge may act according to his own knowledge which is derived through customary methods.
Article 121: Punishment for Tafhiz (the rubbing of the thighs or buttocks) and the like committed by two men without entry, shall be hundred lashes for each of them.
Article 122: If Tafhizand the like are repeated three lashes without entry and punishment is enforced after each time, the punishment for the fourth time would be death.
Article 123: If two men not related by blood stand naked under one cover without any necessity, both of them will be subject to Ta’azir of up to 99 lashes.
Article 124: If someone kisses another with lust, he will be subject to Ta’azir of 60 lashes.
Article 125: If the one committing Tafhiz and the like or a homosexual man, repents before the giving of testimony by the witnesses, his punishment will be quashed; if he repents after the giving of testimony, the punishment will not be quashed.
Article 126: If sodomy or Tafhizis proved by confession and thereafter he repents the Shariajudge may request the leader (Valie Amr) to pardon him.

Part 3: Lesbianism

Article 127: Mosaheqeh (lesbianism) is homosexuality of women by genitals.
Article 128: The ways of proving lesbianism in court are the same by which the homosexuality (of men) is proved.
Article 129: Punishment for lesbianism is hundred (100) lashes for each party.
Article 130: Punishment for lesbianism will be established vis-a -vis someone who is mature, of sound mind, has free will and intention.
Note: In the punishment for lesbianism there will be no distinction between the doer and the subject as well as a Muslim or non-Muslim.
Article 131: If the act of lesbianism is repeated three lashes and punishment is enforced each time, death sentence will be issued the fourth time.
Article 132: If a lesbian repents before the giving of testimony by the witnesses, the punishment will be quashed; if she does so after the giving of testimony, the punishment will not be quashed.
Article 133: If the act of lesbianism is proved by the confession of the doer and she repents accordingly, the Sharia judge may request the leader (ValieAmr) to pardon her.
Article 134: If two women not related by consanguinity stand naked under one cover without necessity, they will be punished to less than hundred (100) lashes (Ta’azir). In case of its repetition as well as the repetition of punishment, hundred (100) lashes will be hit the third time.

Part 4: Punishment for Pimping

Article 135: Pimping means that someone brings two individuals together or puts them in contact with each other for fornication or homosexuality.
Article 136: Pimping is proved by two confessions if the confessor is mature, of sound mind has free will and intention.
Article 137: Pimping is proved by the testimony of two righteous men.
Article 138: Punishment of a man for pimping is seventy (70) lashes and exile from the place of (his) domicile for a period of 3 months up to one year and punishment of pimping by a woman is seventy five (75) lashes only.”