my husband is a very angrey man please suggest me some wazifa [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Recite “Ya-Salam”, 25 times and blow over the food served for the family. When the family comes to eat, then, Insha-Allah, your husbands’ anger will subside or will be decreased.
Please can you give me a dua/wazifa to stop my husband having very bad anger,attitude,being violent & abusive physically & mentally towards his wife,children & her family members. [United Kingdom]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Recite from Surah “Baqarah” verse: 165 the in the Holy Quran, which begins with “Wa-minan Naasi…” 7 times and blow over some sweet and make him eat it. Allah (SWT) willing, this will control his violent nature. You can also recite “Ya Salaam” 21 times and blow over food items after they have been cooked.
i would like to know what rights a woman has, and what her rights are over her in laws. According to shariat please tell me what i have to and dont have to do for my in laws. [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
It is the responsibility of the wife to be obedient to her husband in all matters which are legal and permissible and show respect and regard for her in-laws. As to the question of living with them and serving them, it is a matter of your character and conduct. It is better for you to support your husband as it would help and facilitate him in a big way. If your method of respect to them were different from your husband’s manner of looking after his parents’ rights, then it would create many problems for your husband. There are many things of the wife that do not fall in the purview of the husband’s responsibilities, but still he performs them. So also, the wife should look beyond her rights and temper her behaviour with utmost kindness and civility, in the performance of service to his parents. If the husband asks you to be of service to his parents, then good character and morality demands that you should do it.
I heard a hadees ,The Prophet of Allah •••••• (saw) said: If a husband asks her wife to come to his bed and she refuses then angels curse her till morning. I want to ask if this hadees is Right. I also want to ask what if a wife want to fulfill her desire & husband wantedly does not do dat.Is their any punishment for such husbands? [Bangladesh]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Yes, the Hadees you have asked about is right. If woman calls and man does not respond there is no sin for the man because this matter depends on the mood and desire of the man.
I Want to know clealry that how many times a husband should perform sex with his wife / do husband is bound to perform sex daily please guide me as i am a newly married person. [United Arab Emirates ]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
The ‘Shariat’ has not fixed a definite number. Moreover, the husband is not under any obligation to respond to his wife’s mood whenever she wants. It depends upon his physical health and his will and pleasure, to use his conjugal rights everyday. So, you should make concessions in view of each other’s health.
Are men and woman equal according to islam?if yes then what are the rights of women according to deen and duniya? can a woman work outside(office or some organisation)?Girls these days they are equal to men and taking advantage of this and want toworkin callcentres and offices? is this permissible ? [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Allah (SWT) has declared: “Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir-Rahim. Wala-hunna Mislul-lazi alaihhin-na Daraja-tun Wal-la hu Azeez-un-Hakeem” (Surah Baqarah verse:228) (And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards obedience and respect) to what is reasonable, but men have a degree (of responsibility) over them. And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise). At another place Allah (SWT) says: “Ar-rijalu Qavva-muna Alan-Nisa-I bi-ma Faz-zalal lahu ba’zahum ala-ba’zin”.(Surah Nisa,Verse:34) (Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has made one of them to excel the other…)Women can be permitted to work in call centers or other offices because of their dire financial needs or other problems, provided they cover themselves with complete “hijab” and “purdah”. It is “haraam” to do so without “purdah”.
Good evening i am a spanish latin american woman i just married a african muslim man in africa. The wedding was a traditonal muslim wedding, it was blessed and i wear all the the traditional garments. I know want to learn to be a good and better wife to my husband. I need to learn all so i become a good muslim wife to him . He deserve all and the respect given to him . If any one can sugest anything for me to read and to learn i would apricaite it. [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
The Holy Quran describes a good wife as one who is virtuous and obedient to her husband. A woman becomes an excellent wife if she accepts to renounce her opinion in front of her husband’s opinion, and is willing to subjugate herself and live according to his will. In such a situation, there is bound to be harmony and unity in their desires and opinions, which is the secret of a happy married life.
I was wondering if it is okay for a women to cut their hair under any circumstances? What if her hair is simply too long to manage and gets difficult at times and she would only cut enough so that it is not too difficult to manage but is still long in length? What if her husband wants her to cut her hair? What if the style of the cut is such that it does not decrease the length of hair,such as side bangs which only shortens the few front hairs that are cut into bangs? [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Having long hair is related to a woman’s beauty. It is considered as Allah’s (SWT) special favour. It is mentioned in the Holy Traditions that “a group of angels sing the praises of Allah (SWT) who has adorned men with beards while women have been rewarded grace and elegance through their long tresses”. So, this is the arrangement for adornment of men and women made by Allah (SWT). We have to bear in mind Allah’s wishes. That is why, do not shorten your hair. Tie your luxuriant tresses in braids or plaits and knot then, so that is easy for you to look after them. Cutting hair is prohibited, but if a few hair have grown haphazardly around your forehead and they cannot be combed back, and if your husband desires that they be corrected, then it can be permitted.
i want to know that is it allowed for a muslim girl to remain single without marriage if she is physically weak and thinks that she cannot fullfill the requirement of married life [Pakistan]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Without marriage, if you are sure that you would not indulge in any sin, then it could be permitted.
I would like to know, is anal sex (from back) is permissionable or not? Can you please tell according to quran or hadees [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
It is Haraam to have anal sex with your wife. It is narrated by Abu Hurayrah (ra) that Rasoolullah (sallaho alaihi wasalam) said: “Whoever has intercourse with a menstruating woman or with a woman in her back passage, or comes to a soothsayer, has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad (sallaho alaihi wasalam).” In one more narration recorded by Abu Dawood and Nasa’i that Rasoolullah (sallaho alaihi wasalam) said, that whoever has anal sex with a man or woman and fulfills his sexual desire then that person is cursed. Someone asked Hazrat Abu Darda (ra), what is the ruling for a person who fulfills his sexual desire by having anal sex? Hazrat Abu Darda (ra) replied only a Disbeliever can do such a thing. It is apparent that this act is wrong and an act of the Disbelievers.
i am in love of girl and we both r love to i wanted to maridge him but his father and brother r not agree they r erratatieng me what can i do [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
If they are not agreeable to the marriage and you are in no position to convince them otherwise, then it is better to keep quiet. Perhaps there is greater good for you in this.
I'm a pakistani girl and want to marry an Arab guy. However, my parents are very traditional and are against it. Could you please advise me of any supplications that will soften their hearts towards this matter [United Kingdom]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
In all such matters, parents are more sympathetic and can easily understand your hopes and desires. Our suggestion is that you should give preference to your parents’ opinion. Insha-Allah, it will benefit you more.
i hope u will be fine my prob is i really love someone but some of my mistake or missunderstanding make that person kind a hate me and that person went away please is there any duaa i can do so that person start loving me again. please ans this soon i'll be thankful jazakaalllah [Pakistan]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
In a way, the path of love brings you nothing but distress. That is why, when you have realized this, it is better to be patient for sometime, divert your mind and busy yourself in other things. Insha-allah, you will free yourself of this affliction. Pray to Allah (SWT) and if you feel disconcerted, exercise a little bit of patience. This is just a minor problem, do not let it to upset you, otherwise bigger apprehensions will arise.
I just want to know if muslim girls are allowed to play with non muslim girls. [United Kingdom]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Being cautious and careful is an essential characteristic in Islam. That is why a Muslim should exercise caution when interacting with non-Muslims, mingling with them or even participating in games and sports, because the ill-effects of their company get reflected in your own attitude and behavior and you get influenced by each other. But if there is a possibility that you can educate them about Islam, then it could be permitted. If this is not possible, then our safety lies in staying within our own circle and continues with our work.
If a muslim husband sucks at the breast of his muslim wife,is it permissible or legitimate according to islam? [Pakistan]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
It might be permissible provided her milk does not enter your stomach.
Is oral sex is allowed in Islam , where as secresion comes from female genital during this act, please reply me in detail by writing email so I will be able to convey your "fatwa" to other thank you [Saudi Arabia ]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
The situation you have described in your question is not acceptable. Not only there is lack of modesty and shame, but it is dirty and impure, as the secretion might enter your mouth, which is ‘haraam’ and not permissible. Therefore, you should always avoid it.
Can a man and wife kiss and lick each other's private parts during foreplay ? I need to know this as i am getting married Inshallah next month and do not want to commit a sin. [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
This is against all norms of propriety and modesty. The private parts of a person are dirty and impure and there is every chance that you might come into contact with dirty or impure matter. But there is no ruling or decree (fatwa) from Islamic jurists that it is “haram” (prohibited).
i wants to marry one girl but she is not ready to marry with me so for that i made isthikhara, i am hindu and as guided by one muslim then i make isthikara by 10 times durud sharif in starting and last in between 1000 times ya shekh abdul kadir jelani sheal lillah. my questions were: whether i will able to marry her? if yes when? and how? after two days i got answer in dream, so i wants to know what is the meaning of my dream, dream is as mention below. first of all i show that there is fire in moon and the same shadow i show on wall of my neighbour's house (house in my front) there after i saw something huge thing like satellite coming from moon and from that some papers fall down from which i got one in my hand. this was my dream so please guide me on right path what allah wants to tell me. and if this way of isthikhara is wrong then write me the write way. thanks you [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Although you have performed the ‘Isteqara’ wrongly, but sometimes even wrong methods could bring out some kind of response. So, your dream obviously indicates that the person whom you love greatly would be harmful to you. The Moon stands for lover and fire indicates loss. Apparently the dream indicates that the lover is after all a human being, whereas you should be in quest for a true religion. Because taking the right path will help you to get salvation. So, you should turn towards Islam, which is a way of life. You should get to understand Islam from a local Alim or religious scholar so that you may adopt the true religion. This will make Allah (SWT) happy and pleased and you will get salvation from Hell and Allah (SWT) will allow you to enter Heaven. In this world also, Allah (SWT) will get you married with such a nice person whom you would love and admire immensely. The presence of paper in the dream indicates that you have been told that the adoption of the Message of True Faith is the greatest need of man.
Salaam, I need your mashwera as regards to a problem I have, I recently visited India, i saw this girl just once at my cousin brothers house but then i immiedtly looked down hence i did not see her properly, she is a seth and i am vora patel, since my return, my cousin brothers wife (seth) has since put pressure on me to get married to her obviously stating she knows english etc and is ideal for me(its her sisters daughter), i am looking to get married once i have a job, i have told my cousin brother if he thinks she is ideal for me(as i trust him only)then he should talk to my parents as i do not talk to them but he wants me do it (thats not going to happen). Please can you give me advice as to what should be happening, how to tackle the problem, what do you think my cousin brother and his wife might be thinking(because my parents are rich), is it going to be problem marrying a girl that is not the same (vora, seth)as me, can I arrange to speak to the girl on the phone and what kind of questions shall I ask, and on the phone my cousin brothers wife always talks about her and now its got inside my mind so badly i cannot concentrate on anything and i just keep thinking about her and this,(is this normal and will it dissappear and how,please answer in detail as i dont know anyone else who will give me advice...jazakallah [United Kingdom]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Ask your relative not to involve you in the matter. If you like the girl then, send the proposal through your parents. If they think it suitable, they will pursue the matter further. Frequent phone calls and listening to her conditions and circumstances causes tension and irritation in your mind. If you think that there is a great deal of difference between your family and theirs and compatibility of temperaments is not possible, then it is better to bring your parents in the picture. But, on your own, if you are interested, and your relatives do not want to talk to your parents, then involve somebody else. But in any case, if the proposal goes through your parents it would be better, otherwise not. If you stop thinking and hearing about her, she will ultimately be out of your mind one day. Tell your relatives that they should not pester you about her. Shariat does not allow you to make phone calls to her.
i am 19 year old girl and i met this guy 1 year ago and i like him alot and i want to marry him but im sure my parents will disagree so can you please give me some duaz so i can get him thank you [Pakistan]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Those occasions described in the Holy Traditions as auspicious for the acceptance of prayers, on such occasions you should pray to Allah (SWT) for grant of your wishes. Offer two Rakats of Salat-ul-Hajat and pray. Recite Surah ‘Yaseen’ after completion of ‘Azan’ and seek your wish to Allah (SWT) to get you married to the person of your choice. You will marry him if you are destined to, otherwise you will marry the man your destiny has chosen for you.
i have questioned u bafore but no reply for that...i have two questions..pleaz help in love wih a guy he too loves me n cares me allot..we r ready to get married ..his family has accepted me and is ready for marriage....but the problem is my parents hates him...they will never accept him...they think that he is not suitable for me and my family..and other question...he is trying for abroad from many years...he is doing business here but he want to go abroad to earn more money as he has many responsibilties...he is elder son of the family...pleaz pray for both us that my parents accepts him and understand him...and tell me some duas or wazifa so hat my parents agree..and for his settlement of job in abroad..i really need ur help [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
You should recite Surah ‘Baqara’ Verse 165, beginning with ‘Wa-minan naas’ and blow over some sweet and make your parents eat it. Then proceed a little in the matter of your marriage and make it known to your parents through your close friends that both of you love each other and therefore should not be prevented from getting married. Despite the opposition, if they marry on their own, then it will be a cause of unnecessary embarrassment to the family. Hence, your close friends should persuade your parents to grant permission for marriage to avoid unpleasant scenes. This will make them silent. Their silence may be taken as their consent.
This question is urgent so please reply as soon as possible. InshAllah I will be getting married soon and I need a clarification. I heard that before a woman is married she can stipulate in the marriage contract that her husband is not allowed to marry any other woman, and that if he does, his first wife will be allowed to get a divorce. Is this true in any of the four madhabs? [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
At the time of marriage, the wife imposing a condition on the husband against a second marriage is an unhealthy condition. However, the “nikah” will be considered as valid. This has been approved by all the Imams of different “madhahabs”. However, the dissent of Imam Ahmed bin Hanmbal (RA) has been reproduced.
Is it permissible or a sin to LOOK at a picture of a mahram, the same gender, or an animal, and you did NOT take the picture, if a friend shows you the picture of such a person? Also, if there is beef tallow in a body lotion, is it halaal to use? [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Taking pictures of living things, whether they are ‘mehram’ or not, same sex or opposite sex, a human being or an animal, are not permitted. Making pictures or showing them is also not permitted. If a friend shows pictures to you, that is also not permitted. It is a sin for which you should repent. You should avoid using a lotion that contains the fat of a cow, as we do not know whether the fat has been obtained through ‘halal’ means or not.
I had intercourse with my wife during her menstrual period. I had sex more than once in each menstrual cycle.recently it happened when my wife came to my place during a short vacation(just for two days).she was having periods during her visit. Because of her short stay and due to the sexual desire i had sex with her despite of her condition and objection. Another time it happened when we met each other after the gap of three months due to my trip to another country. When i returned to my wife she was having menses. I could not control myself and had sex despite of her unwillingness(soft not strong).on both occassions my wife told me that i have to compensate her if i had sex during menstrual cycle. So i seek your valuable suggestion and guidence for the above matter in the view of islamic shariah. [Saudi Arabia ]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
As it is a sin, you should seek forgiveness. It has been mentioned in the Holy Traditions that for such things, man should offer “Sadaqa”. As this has been repeated, “Sadaqa” in the form of some gold, has been ordained. In keeping with your means you should offer “sadaqa”.
I have a close friend his very nice, but he has 1 problem he really hates Dogs, when seeing dog he almost kill it and when hearing it barks his temper rise. My Question is, is it allowed to kill dogs? what does Rasulullah (S.A.W) said about dogs? What manner do we need to treat dogs? JazakAllah hu khair [Philippines ]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Dogs are detestable creatures as they are dirty and unclean. The Holy Prophet (SAWS) has not only described dogs as filthy and impure, but He considered them as wicked and evil, as in their presence, god’s angels do not appear. That is why, if your friend detests dogs, then he is right. But killing them is not necessary. He should not do such things to animals belonging to someone else. On his own, he should be careful and consider them as hateful. This is much better.
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Any game that does not benefit us either in terms of our religion and faith or in worldly matters, and, on the other hand is just sheer waste of time and effort, has been prohibited in Islam. Chess, is also one such game and there are some Holy Traditions that speak of certain warnings against it. In one Hadith, it is mentioned that the man who plays Chess, is accursed, and the person who just looks at the game, is one who eats pork. That is why Islamic jurists have disapproved Chess to the point of making it forbidden, because it is seen that when a person in engrossed in Chess, he/she tends to abstain from his compulsory and obligatory acts and duties. In such a situation, its detestation reaches the point of being considered “haram”.
What is mean by tasawwuf ? and What is mean by Kashf ? [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
The conventional meaning of “Tasawwuf”, that is, the object for which the term is used, for the skill that it denotes, refers to the development of morality and virtues by eliminating the baseness of our sensual appetites, to shed immorality and imbibe those virtues and qualities that pertain to your heart and mind, the true virtues, within oneself. This is called the “purification or catharsis of one’s inner self”. This word is used in the Shariat and Islamic ideology to mean “purification or cleaning your inner self”. “Kashf” means knowledge that is beyond the realm of our basic senses - the sense of sight, hearing, smelling, the sense of touch, and the sense of taste. Allah (SWT) through His Grace and Bounty reveals this divine knowledge and it relates to certain specific topics or fields of knowledge. This could be in physical form, or in terms of its meaning or it could be the unfolding of unknown or un-deciphered knowledge or information. This knowledge comes directly from Allah (SWT) without any perceptible or identifiable source. This is known as “Kashf”.
How close should your friendship with a muslim brother be so that it doesn’t affect your gaze turning away from Allah, and make your heart inclined towards the love of your friend. How do I eliminate my love for makhlooq [creation], and is it possible, or should I forget about it, because its whisperings from Shaytaan? [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
It is nice to ignore the love of human beings and reduce your interaction with people, in order to be inclined more towards Allah (SWT). There is no harm in it. Just remember that when you come across someone or have the need to visit someone or if any one calls you, greet him politely and enquire about his health. Talk not more than what is necessary and then turn your attention towards your work.
Assalam alaikum. I have a personal question to ask. Please reply. When I am together with my wife at night, afterwards, we both make Wudu and go to sleep. Sometimes it is very hard to make Ghusl early morning before Fajr and Fajr ends up being delayed. What should we be doing? [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Instead of performing “wadhu” and going to sleep, it would be far better to do “ghusl” itself. If it is difficult for you to get up before Fajr and you get delayed, then, be brave and perform “ghusl”. That way, Insha-Allah, you will not have any problem about your Fajr “namaz” and you would not need to do offer “Khaza” namaz for it.
can husband and wife take ghusul each wearing just underwear(to cover shamgarh of both) [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Yes, you can take “ghusl” together.
If a Muslim man has sex with his wife from her back part, does the nikah remain or not? I have heard that if a man does this, then the nikah breaks. I committed this sin and I'm very much worried. I made Tauba may Allah forgive me. [Others]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
The marriage would not be nullified because of this action. However, the action in itself is forbidden. The prophet peace be upon him have said that whoever comes to his wife from behind then he has no relationship with that person. The divine law has allowed men to consummate their relationship with their wives from the place of birth not from the back. This act is totally forbidden and one must repent from it.
I have read in your fatwas that it is permitted to lick one's wife's private parts or one's wife can take his private part in her mouth astaghfirullah. My question is can you please tell me any ahadith or solid Islamic proof which allows this type of sexual acts between a married couple because your fatawas are quite conflicting with my sense as a Muslim believer. As Muslims we all believe that vulgarity is not allowed in Islam. I just cant imagine how can one use his/her mouth and tongue for this act when you recite Quran-e-Majid and pray with the same mouth and tongue. Please don't think that I am overflowing with emotions but its that I don't get this ruling of yours. When anal sex is prohibited then how come all this oral sex. Please help on this by providing me with authentic ahadith. I asked one alim before he said that "your wife is your land, plough it as you like", what does this mean. Will you take mud of your land in your mouth or will you lick it. Instead you'll sow seed as it is. You will not plough the land with mouth or lick it. I want just one ahadith pertaining this fatwa. [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
Proof for something can only be asked if it is a lawful or unlawful Quran or Ahadith. The question should be that if someone did this then is it allowed or not in the Shariah. There is no Ayah or Hadith of not being allowed. The Fuqaha (Jurist) have written that it should not be done, it’s bad, but it’s not something that it is not allowed (prohibited). There are some things that are inappropriate, but the ruling of being not permissible can not be given. Therefore, it is clear in Fatawa Alimgheer etc. that there are rules and regulations of taking out masa’il. It is not necessary for you to know if the proof for this act is in the Quran or Hadith. If the law to do or not to do is in the Quran or Hadith then it must be there, but if it is not there then initially any act is permissible and proof is needed to make it not permissible. For this reason, the Fuqaha have not given the ruling of not being permitted.
I am engaged and me and my fiance had contact with each other before. But now Alhamdulillah I did taubah and decided not to talk until after our nikah. But I still have the emails saved. Can I read them or will it be gunah? [United States]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
There is nothing important to be read and there is no need to read a stranger’s letter which may relate to you. Therefore, do not read it.
I have loved a girl and she has embraced Islam for me and is living in sin with me, hoping to marry me? My parents want me to marry someone else in Pakistan and pressured me to agree to it. My girl here is not happy about me having a wife there in Pakistan. She had hope to go there with me later. What is my religious duty to obey my parents or listen to the girl who changed her faith for me? [India]
Antwort von Mufti Naval-ur-Rahman Miftahi:
If this girl who has accepted Islam, if she wants to get married and stay with you, then it can be accepted to a certain extent, that you marry her and stay with her. But if she is not willing to get married with you and still wants to stay with you, then it is not permissible to stay in sin just for the sake to keep her in the fold of Islam. Also it will not be correct to neglect the request of you parents for such a girl, when they are saying to come over there and get married. In the situation which you have stated above, it is better that you give preference to going there and getting married where your parents request you to get married. . And the matter of this girl staying in the fold of Islam or not, you are not responsible for this. Because Islam is not related to any other purpose, but Islam is accepted for Allah only. But it is possible that Love or something else can become the means of someone accepting Islam. That someone falls in love with a girl or guy and accepts Islam Because of him.
Fragen, deren Antwort noch nicht übersetzt wurde:
Me and my wife have been married for 6 months and she is not very happy with the size of my penis. Can she divorce me on those grounds? [India]
I have a wall of mirror in front of my bed in my bedroom. When I am with my wife we can see each other in the mirror during our love making session. Some body told me that its haram in Islam. Is it allowed in Islam to see one's wife naked. [Pakistan]
During foreplay if my wife's mazi enters my mouth, is it same as taking any haraam food? In other words, is mazi haraam like pork, blood etc? [United States]
I am engaged and we talk to each other sometime. I want to ask you is it allowed with "Shariah" to talk before marriage with your fiancée. Please answer me if it is possible with Hadith. [India]
Can wife suck man penis? [Saudi Arabia ]
I masturabte 10 times a day due to this my private parts get erect even i c any girl even my bhabi i wan to get rid of this [Pakistan]
What is the ruling on someone who got married to his cousin, but never had intercourse with her, as he has some 'sisterly' feeling towards her! Please advice. [United Kingdom]
Please tell me can one husband drink his wife breast milk while having sex with her is it permitted in Islam? [Saudi Arabia ]
Is it ok to have a love marriage? Is it a sin if you have a relationship with a guy before marriage? And if you marry the guy are your sins forgiven for what you did when you weren't married? [United States]
1.Being muslim, can a wife touch the penis of a husband? 2. Being muslim, can a husband suck at the breast of his wife? 3.Being muslim, can a husband see bare breast of his wife? [Pakistan]
I want my daughter to get married to my mums sister's son but for some reason nothings working and i am scared that he might marry some one else please help me and give me a dua for this situation? [United Kingdom]
It is regarding my husband. My husband is very rude with me sometimes and whenever he is angry he tell me off a lot especially in front of his mother and uses bad comments about my family especilly my mother. He at time of getting angry tell me off and looses all the privacy between a husband and a wife and tells whatever happens between me and him to his mother. He diregards my opinions. He upsets me and doesnot cares for me even i am in pain. I have even come to a conclusion that I do not love him and he has told me several times that he does not loves me and tell me to go back to my parents knowing that my mother is poor and I cant go with my children. Jaanta hai ke main majboor hoon kuch nahi karsakti siwae is ke ke bardasht karoon. [United Kingdom]
How to have valid sex with wife? [Saudi Arabia ]
My question is if there is a minor girl (say 8 years old). his father is her wali and he makes a kasam to a baligh man( 20 years old) that he is his son in law. there are no men around. the girl is also not present. is marriage valid?? [United States]
assalamalkium mufti sahab can women lisen quran and ayathes on laptop in her menstrhuation periods and if not then what she can lisen from quran on laptop ,please explain me clearly ,allah hafiz [Algeria ]
assalamalikum mufti sahab my mom is getting excess albumin in her urien,so please for allah sake give duva to read so that my mom become healthy and you also do duva for my mom her name is khatija begum ,allah hafiz [United States]
Is love marriage allowed in Islam? [United States]
Can we have oral sex providing the semen does not enter the mouth or down the throat. [United Kingdom]
Can we read books with no pictures but there are descriptions of sex and intimate relationships. I am hurting to get married and do not masturbate nor watch movies or TV, can I read these books fall asleep and have wet dreams. Its a halal way to relieve myself. I cant find a wife though parents are trying making dua. [Canada]
I am 17 years old. I have a problem in my life. My problem is that i cannot concentrate on one thing. I always try to do things but end up never doing anything. This has made not succesful at school. I have very less confidence in myself. Can you please tell me some zikr I should do to come over this. I pray 5 times a day and also do other zikrs. Thank You [United States]
If our cousin or aunt is christian, how do we act with them? do we say their beliefs, way of dress, behavior is wrong? someone said that christmas parties, birthday parties, is wrong for relatives to attend if ur sister in law, or cousin is christian?
assalamualikum my sister inlawna(nand )she hug my husband is this act jayaz [United States]
Assalamu alaikum Mufti sab, As Iam an Indian Muslims I just want to know from u that in sprots specially in cricket which team should I support india or pakistan. Because In pakistan team all players are muslims. How should I support or favour the Indian Team which is mostly non muslims. Pleas answer my queastion as Iam very confused.Jazakallah imran bangalore [India]
Dear Gentlemen, I have an unusual question and I hope that I will receive an answer. I grew up in East Germany (GDR) without any religious background. Thanks to a Muslim colleague and friend, whom I have known for some years, I got to know Islam, read a lot, and I finally converted to Islam. I am 41 years old, married (according to GDR law - but without church wedding), but I´ve been living separated from my husband for 2 years and the official civil divorce proceedings are running. My friend and I want to have a common future and want to marry. Unfortunately my divorce process will take some time. I have heard that because I am a Muslim, my first marriage is invalid from the islamic point of view. Question: Is it according to "shariia" allowed for me to marry a Muslim now (fulfilling islamic conditions: witnesses, Mahr) before my divorce is settled by the German court? I would be very pleased if you answer me. Thank you for your attention. Yours sincerely, Anna Friedrich [Germany]
Salam, My husband many times intend to sleep nude under blanket after intercourse till the rest night gets over. He also would like to suck my private parts including vagina. Is it jayaz?Sorry for the question but i m agianst his attitude. [India]
I've been remarried for 3 yrs n m happy with my husband recently someone close told my husband that they found snaps of my first marraige at my mothers place,my husband got angry n asked me not to talk to my parents or any of my brothers or sister ie my whole family , no ties with them for ever n if i talk he would leave me , i love my family as anybody else does, he is not giving me permission to talk , i feel that is a silly reason, who is at fault what shld i do, i tried to xplain him in sevral ways politely , kindly but he gets angry..plz guide me. .jazakhallah
Is yoga haraam? What are the rulings regarding joinng Gym classes with music?
I want to whether it is haram to listen to cricket commentary in a car when other travellers dont agree.
During menstuation intercourse is prohibited. So if a husband has a sexual desire what should he do. Can he fulfil his sexual desire with his wife other than intercourse. If he can do so what is the difference between such type of sexual fufilment and that of masterbation.
1) Can a woman travel from India to USA during her menses.(2)can a husband rub his private part with her wife\'s private part with cloth in between covering her navel to knees portion and ejaculate outside.
Once I found out that my husband goes through porn sites. When I confronted him, he denied and had promised 2 me that he will never do it but at times I still feel he goes thru those sites and it upsets me.please tell me wat to do?
I’m from Nigeria but I studied in morocco and I thank ALLAH that I found people like u because my problem is very serious it is about masturbation I know u do not answer questions that are already asked in your database but it is all in Urdu so let me explain my situation to u my problem started 6 years ago when I went in France to studies it was there where I found out about this bad habit and since it is been with me until this very day I am someone who started to go out fisabililah since 2 years with the tabligh and I love to order good and prohibit bad but I feel ashamed because of this sin that I prohibit others to make and commit behind there back to make u understand how much it is disturbing my conscious let me tell u these anecdotes in the middle of last Ramadan I was watching a porno site web in the middle of the night in my house and I was thinking like it will not go further but I ended up masturbating 2 times so I wonder my Ramadan was not accepted no longer than last week and this morning again after my morning hizb and azkar I lose my self into masturbating and finally for u to get a closer picture of my problem it happened 2 times that I brake my surregatory sawm of Monday and Thursday because of it I do not like to make this sin and I try all my best but it seems not enough yet deep in my hearth I know that there is a very serious punishment waiting those who die in this state please give all the advises u can have in mind because I feel I’m a munafiq or a fassiq [Niger ]
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Bin ich jetzt schlamophob?